Player/Stage as Middleware for Ubiquitous Computing (bibtex)
by RB Rusu, A Maldonado, M Beetz, M Kranz, L Mösenlechner, P Holleis and A Schmidt
The effective development and deployment of comprehensive and heterogeneous ubiquitous computing applications is hindered by the lack of a comprehensive middleware infrastructure: interfaces to sensors are company specific and sometimes even product specific. Typically, these interfaces also do not sustain the development of robust systems that make use of sensor data fusion. In this paper, we propose the use of Player/Stage, a middleware commonly used as a defacto standard by the robotics community, as the backbone of a heterogeneous ubiquitous system. Player/Stage offers many features needed in ubicomp, mostly because dealing with uncertainty and many different sensor and actuator systems has been a long term problem in robotics as well. We emphasize they key features of the Player/Stage project, and show how ubicomp devices can be integrated into the system, as well as how existing devices can be used. On top of that, we present our sensor-enabled AwareKitchen environment which makes use of automatic data analysis algorithms integrated as drivers in the Player/Stage platform. All our work is released as open source software under the Player/Stage package, of which we are active developers.
Player/Stage as Middleware for Ubiquitous Computing (RB Rusu, A Maldonado, M Beetz, M Kranz, L Mösenlechner, P Holleis and A Schmidt), In Proceedings of the 8th Annual Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp 2006), Orange County California, September 17-21, 2006.
Bibtex Entry:
@inproceedings{rusu_player-stage_2006, author = {RB Rusu and A Maldonado and M Beetz and M Kranz and L Mösenlechner and P Holleis and A Schmidt}, title = {{Player/Stage} as Middleware for Ubiquitous Computing}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th Annual Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp 2006), Orange County California, September 17-21}, year = {2006}, abstract = {The effective development and deployment of comprehensive and heterogeneous ubiquitous computing applications is hindered by the lack of a comprehensive middleware infrastructure: interfaces to sensors are company specific and sometimes even product specific. Typically, these interfaces also do not sustain the development of robust systems that make use of sensor data fusion. In this paper, we propose the use of {Player/Stage}, a middleware commonly used as a defacto standard by the robotics community, as the backbone of a heterogeneous ubiquitous system. {Player/Stage} offers many features needed in ubicomp, mostly because dealing with uncertainty and many different sensor and actuator systems has been a long term problem in robotics as well. We emphasize they key features of the {Player/Stage} project, and show how ubicomp devices can be integrated into the system, as well as how existing devices can be used. On top of that, we present our sensor-enabled {AwareKitchen} environment which makes use of automatic data analysis algorithms integrated as drivers in the {Player/Stage} platform. All our work is released as open source software under the {Player/Stage} package, of which we are active developers.}, }
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