Modeling Cognitive Frames for Situations with Markov Logic Networks (bibtex)
by WR. Murray and D Jain
Modeling Cognitive Frames for Situations with Markov Logic Networks (WR. Murray and D Jain), In Proceedings of the 8th International NLPCS Workshop: Human-Machine Interaction in Translation, Copenhagen Studies in Language 41, Samfundslitteratur, 2011.
Bibtex Entry:
@inproceedings{murray_modeling_2011, author = {WR. Murray and D Jain}, title = {Modeling Cognitive Frames for Situations with Markov Logic Networks}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th International {NLPCS} Workshop: Human-Machine Interaction in Translation, Copenhagen Studies in Language 41}, year = {2011}, pages = {167–178}, month = {aug}, publisher = {Samfundslitteratur}, }
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