Integrated Diagnosis and Plan Assessment for Autonomous Production Processes (bibtex)
by P Maier, M Sachenbacher, T Rühr and L Kuhn
Integrated Diagnosis and Plan Assessment for Autonomous Production Processes (P Maier, M Sachenbacher, T Rühr and L Kuhn), In Proc. of The IJCAI-09 Workshop on Self-* and Autonomous Systems (SAS-2009), 2009.
Bibtex Entry:
@inproceedings{maier_integrated_2009-1, author = {P Maier and M Sachenbacher and T Rühr and L Kuhn}, title = {Integrated Diagnosis and Plan Assessment for Autonomous Production Processes}, booktitle = {Proc. of The {IJCAI-09} Workshop on Self-* and Autonomous Systems ({SAS-2009)}}, year = {2009}, month = {jul}, }
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