Salient Visual Features to Help Close the Loop in 6D SLAM (bibtex)
by L Kunze, K Lingemann, A Nüchter and J Hertzberg
Salient Visual Features to Help Close the Loop in 6D SLAM (L Kunze, K Lingemann, A Nüchter and J Hertzberg), In The 5th International Conference on Computer Vision Systems, 2007, 2007.
Bibtex Entry:
@inproceedings{kunze_salient_2007, author = {L Kunze and K Lingemann and A Nüchter and J Hertzberg}, title = {Salient Visual Features to Help Close the Loop in {6D} {SLAM}}, booktitle = {The 5th International Conference on Computer Vision Systems, 2007}, year = {2007}, }
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