Coordination without Negotiation in Teams of Heterogeneous Robots (bibtex)
by M Isik, F Stulp, G Mayer and H Utz
Coordination without Negotiation in Teams of Heterogeneous Robots (M Isik, F Stulp, G Mayer and H Utz), In Proceedings of the RoboCup Symposium, 2006.
Bibtex Entry:
@inproceedings{isik_coordination_2006, author = {M Isik and F Stulp and G Mayer and H Utz}, title = {Coordination without Negotiation in Teams of Heterogeneous Robots}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {RoboCup} Symposium}, year = {2006}, pages = {355–362}, address = {Bremen, Germany}, }
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