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Image Understanding and Knowledge-Based Systems
TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology
Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich



Informatik IX

Image Understanding and Knowledge-Based Systems

Boltzmannstrasse 3
85748 Garching


CoTeSys — Cognition for Technical Systems (bibtex)
CoTeSys — Cognition for Technical Systems (bibtex)
by M Buss, M Beetz and D Wollherr
The CoTeSys cluster of excellence investigates cognition for technical systems such as vehicles, robots, and factories. Cognitive technical systems (CTS) are information processing systems equipped with artificial sensors and actuators, integrated and embedded into physical systems, and acting in a physical world. They differ from other technical systems as they perform cognitive control and have cognitive capabilities. Cognitive control orchestrates reflexive and habitual behavior in accord with longterm intentions. Cognitive capabilities such as perception, reasoning, learning, and planning turn technical systems into systems that “know what they are doing”. The cognitive capabilities will result in systems of higher reliability, flexibility, adaptivity, and better performance. They will be easier to interact and cooperate with.
CoTeSys — Cognition for Technical Systems (M Buss, M Beetz and D Wollherr), In Proceedings of the 4th COE Workshop on Human Adaptive Mechatronics (HAM), 2007. 
Bibtex Entry:
 author = {M Buss and M Beetz and D Wollherr},
 title = {{CoTeSys} — Cognition for Technical Systems},
 booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th {COE} Workshop on Human Adaptive Mechatronics
 year = {2007},
 abstract = {The {CoTeSys} cluster of excellence investigates cognition for technical
	systems such as vehicles, robots, and factories. Cognitive technical
	systems ({CTS)} are information processing systems equipped with
	artificial sensors and actuators, integrated and embedded into physical
	systems, and acting in a physical world. They differ from other technical
	systems as they perform cognitive control and have cognitive capabilities.
	Cognitive control orchestrates reflexive and habitual behavior in
	accord with longterm intentions. Cognitive capabilities such as perception,
	reasoning, learning, and planning turn technical systems into systems
	that “know what they are doing”. The cognitive capabilities will
	result in systems of higher reliability, flexibility, adaptivity,
	and better performance. They will be easier to interact and cooperate
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Informatik IX

Image Understanding and Knowledge-Based Systems

Boltzmannstrasse 3
85748 Garching
