Segmentation of Textured and Textureless Objects through Interactive Perception (bibtex)
by C Bersch, D Pangercic, S Osentoski, K Hausman, ZC Marton, R Ueda, K Okada and M Beetz
Segmentation of Textured and Textureless Objects through Interactive Perception (C Bersch, D Pangercic, S Osentoski, K Hausman, ZC Marton, R Ueda, K Okada and M Beetz), In RSS Workshop on Robots in Clutter: Manipulation, Perception and Navigation in Human Environments, 2012.
Bibtex Entry:
@inproceedings{bersch_segmentation_2012, author = {C Bersch and D Pangercic and S Osentoski and K Hausman and ZC Marton and R Ueda and K Okada and M Beetz}, title = {Segmentation of Textured and Textureless Objects through Interactive Perception}, booktitle = {{RSS} Workshop on Robots in Clutter: Manipulation, Perception and Navigation in Human Environments}, year = {2012}, address = {Sydney, Australia}, month = {jul}, }
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