Tutorial: Point Cloud Library: Three-Dimensional Object Recognition and 6 DOF Pose Estimation (bibtex)
by A Aldoma, ZC Marton, F Tombari, W Wohlkinger, C Potthast, B Zeisl, RB Rusu, S Gedikli and M Vincze
Tutorial: Point Cloud Library: Three-Dimensional Object Recognition and 6 DOF Pose Estimation (A Aldoma, ZC Marton, F Tombari, W Wohlkinger, C Potthast, B Zeisl, RB Rusu, S Gedikli and M Vincze), In Robotics & Automation Magazine, IEEE, volume 19, 2012.
Bibtex Entry:
@article{aldoma_tutorial:_2012, author = {A Aldoma and ZC Marton and F Tombari and W Wohlkinger and C Potthast and B Zeisl and RB Rusu and S Gedikli and M Vincze}, title = {Tutorial: Point Cloud Library: Three-Dimensional Object Recognition and 6 {DOF} Pose Estimation}, journal = {Robotics \& Automation Magazine, {IEEE}}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, pages = {80–91}, number = {3}, }
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